четверг, 29 мая 2014 г.

download ICD HD 2012 free android app

ICD HD 2012


Download .apk

ICD Premium puts the complete, latest ICD 10 CM , ICD 10 PCS ,ICD 9 CM ,ICD 9 PCS & HCPCS on your Android Phone or Honeycomb tablet.

Complete details for ICD 9 & 10 (details , include , exclude , abbreviations and DRG) plus mapping diagnosis and procedures from ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 codes.

One universal app for Android Phone or Honeycomb tablet , you do not need to purchase two applications , this app will work on all your Android devices

The 2011 I codes are instantly searchable and also browsable by their traditional categories. Search by code or description, through the whole ICD10,ICD9 & HCPCS or through just a category or selected nonspecific code. Images within the list indicate whether a code is specific or nonspecific. Tap to view the diagnosis and the full text of its standard description and to add it to your Favorites list for immediate access later.

*** If you'd like to try ICD Premium before you buy, please download our FREE version, ICD 10 Lite,ICD 9 Lite,HCPCS Lite. ***

Features at a glance:

1.★ Complete 2011 ICD9-CM diagnosis codes ,ICD 9 PCS , ICD 10 CM Diagnosis , ICD 10 PCS ad HCPCS codes, with all sub codes and all long descriptions: over 274,000 individual codes, instantly accessible?

2.★ Search within any list of codes, by code number, by diagnosis, and by full text of long descriptions?

3.★ Browse codes by category and subcategory; easily limit searches to particular categories?

4.★ Distinguish specific from non-specific codes at a glance; tap a non-specific code to view its specific children. Navigate to its parent to quickly compare one specific diagnosis to another, ensuring you code for maximum reimbursement every time.?

5★ Keep a Favorites list of diagnoses and procedures, which may include specific and nonspecific codes.

6★ Allow add shareable notes to ICD & HCPCS .

7★ Show Mapping from ICD 10 to ICD 9 or ICD 9 to ICD 10 and type of mapping direct or approximate

8★ Unlimited number of favorite icd codes can be set .

9★ Auto suggest to make search in ICD codes more powerful and easy to use .

10★ Easy to customize through setup to change the way of display , share and Email ICD codes.

Download .apk

Our good friends at ScreenCrave took Soderbergh recently and a few minor updates from him about Liberace, for those who may be interested.Soderbergh was referring specifically how Liberace will be different in style and structure as the Girlfriend Experience, which was a very low budget film ICD HD 2012 2.5 apk free download . The story is that Scott Thorson, Liberace. Sued for $ 113 million palimony, claiming he was the entertainer companion for 5 years, although Liberace said he was gay I am interested in this less for the story and more for Soderbergh and Michael Douglas ' commitment. I'm not the biggest fan of biopics in general, nor do I know that much about Liberace, but I'm curious to see if Soderbergh can a movie together, next. The simple just a biopic about a gay man. This is not a situation is is to improvise , it is already there, but the goal of the film are very different, because of what it is about, and the time that it has. It lies in the set is. Entertainment business, and it should have a different atmosphere. And so is a significant construct in order, in this world, but in the world of bubble or Girlfriend Experience, I was feeling like it has has. .

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