понедельник, 30 июня 2014 г.

download LDS Melchizedek Priest. Manual APK

LDS Melchizedek Priest. Manual

Books & Reference

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This is the LDS Relief Society and Melchizedek Priesthood Manual for 2014: Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith. I made this app so I could find more time to read through the lessons and the accompanying scriptures. I have added links to a few other sites that might help you in studying, preparing and understanding each lesson.

a. Introduction

b. Life and Ministry

c. Historical Summary

1: Our Father in Heaven

2: Our Savior, Jesus Christ

3: The Plan of Salvation

4: Strengthening the Family

5: Faith and Repentance

6: The Sacrament

7: Joseph and Hyrum

8: The Kingdom of God

9: Book of Mormon Witnesses

10: Our Search for Truth

11: Honoring the Priesthood

12: The Oath and Covenant

13: Baptism

14: Gift of the Holy Ghost

15: Eternal Marriage

16: Bringing Up Children

17: Temple Blessings

18: Living by Every Word

19: Not of the World

20: Love and Concern

21: Proclaiming the Gospel

22: Prayer

23: Individual Responsibility

24: Latter-day Saint Women

25: The Birth of Jesus Christ

26: The Coming of Our Savior

Other Lists included:

Temples of the Church

President Monson Quotes

Fathers Sons and Grandsons in the Quorum of the 12

Succession in the Church

Church Leadership Explains

List of Church Presidents

Burials in the Salt Lake Cemetery

13 Articles of Faith

Quorum of the 12 Apostles

I have included several other lists that you might find helpful about the scriptures and including the Book of Mormon.

Everything is stored on your device. No WiFi needed.

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