понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

download Virtual Human Body apk free

Virtual Human Body


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Explore the human anatomy from head to toe and from skin to bones with the Virtual Human Body, a lifelike human model combined with an anatomical dictionary.

At last, on your Android device: the Virtual Human Body! Discover what’s hiding within your body: locate the various organs in their context, and learn more about their functions. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply naturally curious, the Virtual Human Body invites you to a fascinating exploration of the mechanics at play within the human body.


• 11 systems of the human body depicted through our lifelike model

• over 1000 anatomical structures named and defined

• an anatomical dictionary including a textual search engine

• the possibility to overlap two systems so as to better visualize the interrelations between bones, muscles and organs



• Three display modes:

• model only

• model with red markers

(gives access to the name of each structure)

• model with overlapping window

(allows you to display two systems simultaneously)

• Various points of view on the human body, thanks to:

• a zoom tool

(allows you to enlarge a system up to 16 times its original size)

• a layer tool

(gives access to cross-sections)

• multiple view angles

(anterior, posterior, lateral, superior and inferior)

• Easy navigation: tap a red marker to access all the information related to an anatomical structure.

• A search engine to quickly locate a structure and situate it in its context

• A rich anatomical dictionary


Download the Virtual Human Body, the lightest and most dynamic anatomical atlas!

Internet connection required for the initial ~200MiB data file download.


• Morphology

* Male morphology

* Female morphology

• Skeleton

* General anatomy

* Skull

• Muscles

* General anatomy

• Nervous system

* General anatomy

* Brain

• Lymphatic system

* General anatomy

• Cardiovascular system

* Veins

* Veins and arteries

* Arteries

* Heart

• Respiratory system

* General anatomy

• Digestive system

* General anatomy

• Urinary system

* Male urinary system

• Reproductive system

* Male reproductive system

* Female reproductive system

• Endocrine system

* Male endocrine system

The anatomy of the human body as you’ve never seen it!

Download .apk

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